Welcome to the CFCC

The Friendly Bunch

Catering for Fresh & Saltwater Fishing

The Christchurch Fishing and Casting Club was established in 1967. The first Meeting of this club was formed by a group of enthusiastic fishermen. They formed the club to: "pass on to the people interested in learning the art of Casting, and to be instructed in this art and give interested persons the help and advice in all aspects of anything to further the true sport of Fishing"

​​​​​​​Adult Membership


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We have over 50+ years of shared knowledge about fishing in the South Island. Our members participate in freshwater Fly and Spin fishing for salmon and trout and Surf Casting for rig, elephant fish, blue moki, kahawai and more. 

Trips & Events

Our club organises a number of day and overnight trips each year in the South Island and all members are welcome.


We hold a monthly club meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, excluding December and January, to share knowledge and discuss club business.